Fantastic Data

Fantastic Data performs custom research and product development for a variety of government and commercial clients. While we are willing to investigate just about any technical problem, we specialize in solving intractable communication problems. Do you have too much data? Or too little capacity? Or a really poor communication channel? We will investigate and solve your problem, either applying our existing cooperative network technology or inventing new technology, as required. Some of our successful projects are described below.

wildlife Remote Area Backhaul
Fantastic Data is using the sas medium access protocol to design a communication system to backhaul sensor data from large, remote, and environmentally sensitive areas for the US Army Corps of Engineers. The Fantastic Data technology allows the long range mesh system to operate with low enough power consumption to cost effectively utilize batteries and solar panels. Robust hardware and distributed management limits the need for maintenance contact with the installed infrastructure. more...

sotm Satellite on the Move (SOTM) Communications
Satellite on the Move communications suffers from extremely poor channel characteristics caused by signal blockage as vehicles pass under bridges and behind buildings or trees. Fantastic Data’s reliable and distributed mesh communications technology products relay communications between vehicles in a convoy to provide robust services in rapidly varying conditions. more...

sensor Cooperative Sensor Network
Fantastic Data has developed a low-power integrated sensor protocol suite for the US Army CERDEC that is capable of scaling to a very large network (>1000 nodes). Power management is taken to new levels by moving power control into the protocol. The novel sas medium access protocol is capable of rapidly switching from asynchronous, contention service to synchronous, clear-channel service depending upon node state, data load, and data criticality. The use of a hybrid approach has allowed us to optimize performance and power consumption. We have integrated the distributed data cache and the collaborative tracker to produce a complete sensor node software suite. more...

sensit Sensor Information Technology (SensIT)
Fantastic Data designed and built the distributed data cache for the DARPA Sensor Information Technology (SensIT) program. This innovative approach provided data reliability without permanent storage by efficient maintenance of redundant data caches. The distributed data cache optimizes power consumption, provides data survivability across the network, and conserves bandwidth. The distributed data cache anticipates data needs and efficiently distributes data using an innovative multicast protocol to redundant caches on the nodes that are most likely to require the data. more...

partition Automatic Partitioning of a Common Information Space
Shared information spaces are utilized in many organization to manage workflow across organizational boundaries. When these organizations are geographically dispersed, such shared information spaces are often partitioned and stored in one or more locations to allow fast retrieval and update. Unfortunately, this partitioning is often done poorly, and instead of fast access, the users experience slow and cumbersome access to the shared information. Fantastic Data developed automatic partitioning tools to determine an optimum partitioning of the information space using an organization’s policies and measured data access to minimize a composite cost function. more...

partition Small Unit Operations Situation Awareness System (SUOSAS)
Fantastic Data served as the technical lead organization for the Situation Awareness component of the DARPA Small Unit Operation Program. The SUO Situation Awareness System is implemented as a shared information space among a collection of autonomous nodes each serving an individual user. Multiple application programs act on this shared information space to perform tasks in support of the users-for example, situation awareness visualization, data entry, data fusion, threat alerting, information aggregation, and route planning. more...

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